Frequently asked questions

Jobski is a career advancement platform for tech go-to-market and revenue professionals. Whether you are early in your career or trying to break into the industry, or an experienced professional looking to continue to develop and level up, we have resources to enable your growth. These resources include a referral job board where you can land a job through community, advice forum where you can ask questions to certified practitioners, and mentor discovery where you can identify and follow other professionals in the industry.

Jobski is a career advancement platform for revenue & go-to-market professionals. Any roles that fit within this umbrella are acceptable: sales/business development, account executive, account manager, customer success, pre-sales, solutions consultant, revenue/GTM leadership.

No. Sharing a job is free on Jobski for our members and we don't take a cut of referral fees paid by your employer.

Nope! Any Jobski member can share a job opportunity onto the platform. The expecation for sharing a job is that you 1)work for the company and 2) would be open to having a coffee chat with members that meet qualifications for the role.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nisl sem volutpat eget ut dignissim vulputate velit massa.Volutpat pharetra, nunc ac massa in quam. Pellentesque lorem commodo eget neque ultricies cras. Pellentesque lorem commodo eget neque ultricies cras.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nisl sem volutpat eget ut dignissim vulputate velit massa.Volutpat pharetra, nunc ac massa in quam.

Yes. The monetization opportunities are still in early stages. Please send us an email at to learn more.

Yes! Please send an email to to learn more.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nisl sem volutpat eget ut dignissim vulputate velit massa.Volutpat pharetra, nunc ac massa in quam. Pellentesque lorem commodo eget neque ultricies cras. Pellentesque lorem commodo eget neque ultricies cras.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nisl sem volutpat eget ut dignissim vulputate velit massa.Volutpat pharetra, nunc ac massa in quam.